Monday, January 31, 2011

Valentine's Experience

Dear Minnows,
It’s that time of year again. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. We are planning to celebrate the holiday with a little learning about Valentine History, a cupcake walk, and sharing of valentines. Please, know that each child does not need to participate in sharing valentines. It is up to your family to decide. However, if you do decide to share valentines you must have one for everyone in our class. For the celebration we will need a few items. If you would like to contribute we will need:
* Cupcakes (22)
* Juice Boxes (22)
* Clorox Wipes (to keep us clean and healthy)
Please let Miss Mallory know if you are willing to bring in one of the above items. Please bring them on Monday, February 14, 2011.
We will also be creating containers for collecting valentines. We will use empty cereal boxes. If each student brings in one we will all be able to participate. Boxes are due by Thursday, February 10.
Miss Mallory