Monday, October 25, 2010

Spelling This Week!

No Spelling Words this week
(due to shortened week)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chick fil a Night
come join us from 5:00-8:00 at the Stone Creek Chick fil a :)

Word Study Words

Word Study Words
Week 8
"Outlaw" Words (they don't follow the rules!)
1. said
2. come
3. one
4. some
5. put
6. been
7. other
8. again
9. does
10. move
11. friend
12. love
13. none
14. says
15. sure
16. have
17. of
18. they
19. great
20. answer

Monday, October 11, 2010

Field Trip Countdown

2 days


our first field trip!

Word Study Week 7

Word Study Week 7
Sounds of C and G

1. cupcake
2. welcome
3. doctor
4. public
5. cold
6. center
7. pencil
8. recess
9. peace
10. citizen
11. give
12. going
13. good
14. wagon
15. twig
16. page
17. age
18. gym
19. large
20. change

Monday, October 4, 2010

Word Study Week 6

1. also
2. open
3. letter
4. always
5. become
6. happen
7. better
8. dinner
9. outside
10. became
11. alike
12. inside
13. into
14. many
15. today
16. rabbit
17. basket
18. himself
19. homework
20. herself