Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello Minnows!

Homework starts today! Remember, you have one math problem from the math calendar, you must practice your word study words using one of your choices, and you need to read for 15 minutes. :)

Bring your homework tomorrow to recieve your banana buck!

Miss Mallory

Word Study Week 1

1. cat
2. has
3. get
4. red
5. his
6. it
7. dog
8. not
9. up
10. us
11. make
12. came
13. me
14. we
15. time
16. like
17. go
18. no
19. so
20. us

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher

It was wonderful to meet (almost) everyone today! I can tell we are going to have a great year of learning and growing! I'm excited to see your smiling faces on Wednesday morning!

Don't forget to bring those school supplies with you!

Miss Mallory